Friday, April 29, 2011

Stacey's Pork Chops

These I learned in Louisiana from a very good friend of mine.  He barbecued them, and I must say they do seem to taste better when barbecued, but I don't own a barbecue and so every time I've made them, I've done them in the oven and they work just fine.

Pork chops (or another meat- I've done sirloin steaks too)
Bell Peppers (any colors you like, I do red, orange and yellow)
Pineapple Rings (canned slices that are still round)
Teriyaki Sauce
Tabasco Sauce (or another hot sauce you like)

1. Make sure that you will be able to fold over the meat, or cut it in half (do not cut completely in half- keep one side attached).  I usually cut it open.
2. Marinate the meat in Teriyaki Sauce and a little bit of Tabasco Sauce and also the pineapple juice (open the can with the sliced rings in it and drain the juice into the marinade).  If you don't like your meat as dry, marinate it for longer.  For the pork chops I've done anywhere from 2 hours to all day. 
3. Slice the bell peppers and onion(s). 

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees
2. For each piece of meat, fill the inside with a selection of your bell peppers, onions and either half or a whole ring of pineapple per piece of meat.
2. Fold over, and wrap in bacon (it usually takes 3-4 slices per piece of meat).  When you wrap the bacon around, this is when you use the toothpicks.  Try to completely wrap your piece of meat, use the toothpicks to keep the ends of the bacon slices where you want them.
4. Place the finished pieces in a pan/casserole dish/cake pan.  Pour the marinade over the finished pieces.  Use the extra pineapple rings and drape over the toothpicks. 
5. Throw the extra vegetables in the pan in the marinade to cook them with the meat.
6. Cook for however long the meat takes to cook.  With the pork chops it seems to take about 45 minutes.

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