Sunday, May 13, 2012

Gathering Blue by Lois Lowry

This book I had thought would be a continuation of the first book, The Giver, but it was not.  However, I started reading the third book in this series and within the first few chapters it has alluded to both The Giver and this book- so they do all come together.

This town is another "perfect" town.  The books all seem to be based in the future, where humans have decided to control certain aspects of life in hopes of making life better.  This one is in a village where physical flaws are looked down upon and often people are sent "to the fields" to die if they have an imperfection.  The Elders of this town are in charge of everything and their history is recorded through a coat with woven threads, and on a staff and a person that sings the history once a year in remembrance of what has happened.  In both The Giver and Gathering Blue, someone realizes there is a flaw in the way things are run and someone stays to try and change things for the better.  I read this initially and although I enjoyed it, I enjoy it more knowing that in the third book things will hopefully all be tied together.

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